Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a worldwide problem for poultry producers. It is a highly contagious and economically important disease. There are various forms of Infectious Bronchitis.
1. Respiratory Form: .All ages of birds can be affected by this form and all strains are involved here. Respiratory form appears with gasping, Snicking, head shaking, tracheal rales.
2. Urinary Form: Young birds are affected and some strains are involved here. Initial respiratory signs are found. Structural alterations in the tubular epithelial cells of kidneys, so renal failure occurs and show wet droppings. Pale and swollen kidneys. Increased Uric acid levels (Gout).
3. Reproductive Form: Laying hens are affected. Oviduct Cysts. Watery eggs albumen. Drops in egg production. Deterioration in egg shell and internal quality. Pale, mis-shaped eggs and thin shelled eggs
Control Strategy of Infectious Bronchitis
Vaccination is only way to control of Infectious Bronchitis.
Vaccine Available
1.Classic serotype : Bioral H120, Nobilis IBMa5, H52, Connecticut
2.Variant serotype : Nobilis IB 4/91, Gallivac IB 88, CR-88, 793
3.QX Serotype : Poulvac IB-QX, D388
Vaccination Technique In broiler: (Depends on Local disease challenge)
Option-1.Vaccine is applied in the hatchery (Coarse spray/eye drop) at DOC or at farm level within 1-3 days of age by eye drop.
Option-2. Combination with Classic and Variant serotype Provides broad spectrum protection. Some Variant serotype also helps to control of nephropathogenic IB Virus.
Option-3. Vaccination with Classic serotype and Booster with Variant serotype for wider and stronger heterogenous cross protection. No booster IB Vaccine is required at last age of birds.
Vaccination Technique In Layer: (Depends on Local disease challenge)
Option-1. Vaccine is applied in the hatchery (Coarse spray/eye drop) at DOC or at farm level within 1-3 days of age by eye drop.
Option-2. Combination with Classic and Variant serotype Provides broad spectrum protection.
n Booster vaccination should be done at 8 Weeks of age and 14-16 weeks of age with inactivated vaccine in pre-lay stage.
n Classic serotype is safe to use in pullet or laying stage.
n Variants serotype is recommended in DOC/pullet stage. Vaccination with variant serotype during lay is not recommended, but can be used in case of high infection pressure.
Written by: Technical Services Department. Aman Feed Limited.
মানব শরীরে পুষ্টির প্রয়োজনীয়তা
পুষ্টি: জীবের একটি শরীরবৃত্তীয় প্রক্রিয়া হলো পুষ্টি। এটি এমন এক প্রক্রিয়া যার মাধ্যমে জীব খাদ্য গ্রহণ করে, হজম করে, শোষণ...
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